Aikey Foundation Inc.
Helping in the Education of Future Educators™
About the Foundation 
Scholarship Application 
Scholarship Recipients 
Scholarship Selection Procedure 
Contact Us 

Aikey Foundation's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Is the Aikey Foundation a registered non-profit organization?
A: Yes, t he Aikey Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization [IRS Non-Profit Determination Letter][IRS 1023 Application Form][Articles of Incorporation][IRS W9 Form].

Q: Does the Aikey Foundation provide community grants or accept unsolicited grant applications?
A: No, we only award scholarships each year which are listed within this website.

Q: What is your mailing address?
A: Aikey Foundation; 18651 West Road, Suite B; Wellington, OH 44090.

Q: What are your telephone and fax numbers?
A: General access numbers are 440-647-6336 (voice).

Q: Do you have a tri-fold brochure to hand out?
A: Yes, the tri-fold brochure is located on-line here.

Q: Are foundation board members paid or volunteer?
A: All foundation board members are volunteers and are uncompensated for their time spent in their duties as a board member.

Q: Are foundation staff members paid or volunteer?
A: All foundation staff members are volunteers and are uncompensated for their time spent in their duties as a staff member, however, outside services provided to the foundation like the foundation's attorney, CPA, and financial advisor are compensated for their time and expertise.

Q: Does the foundation publish an annual report?
A: Not currently, but the foundation's annual reports and other financials will be on-line in the future.

Q: Where do I send web site problems or questions concerning the Aikey Foundation web site?
A: Send questions to:

Q: Where do I send general questions about the Aikey Foundation?
A: Send questions to:

Q: Do you respond personally to e-mail messages?
A: We route all messages for appropriate consideration.  However, because of the large number of messages we receive, we don't guarantee a personal response.

Q: How long has the Aikey Foundation awarded scholarships?
A: We have awarded one or more new full four-year tuition scholarships each year since 2003.

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